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Useful booking info. Learn more about the regulations and conditions >
Y-40® personal account: all participants are required to create an account on Y-40.com by entering personal data, ID photo and signing the regulations.
Those who are already patented must also enter their patent data and photos.
Instructors must complete the completion by entering insurance information as well.
If there are minors under 14 years of age or dependent persons, download the minors and dependent persons form and have their parents complete and sign it.
If there are minors between the ages of 14 and 17 or dependent people unaccompanied by their parents, download the minors and dependent people form, and have it filled in and signed by the companion who is responsible for it.
Get your QR-Code to enter the activity
Remember to check in online within 2 hours of the start of the activity.
To obtain the entrance QR-Code, use the link that arrived in the booking confirmation email and share it with the participants. Everyone will be able to check in independently.
Participants who have checked in will find the entry QR-Code in the “Entry Codes” section of their personal Y-40® account.
To change the list of participants for free, after having already checked in online, contact Y-40® communicating the replacement to:
We recommend arriving:
60 minutes before: check-in
30 minutes before: access to the changing room.
15 minutes before: safety briefing at the pool level.
It is mandatory to dive with a certified buddy or an instructor.
If you are alone you can book a dive with:
Y-40® does not match people to form pairs.
It is mandatory to carry the license (physical or digital), with the exception of beginners accompanied by an instructor.
If you don’t have any certification, book a first experience with a Y-40® instructor.
Find out more >
Each participant acknowledges that what is indicated regarding their health conditions represents an exchange of information between the parties and therefore declares to be in good physical and mental conditions; it can swim independently and is comfortable in deep water.
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The medical certificate is not required for freedivers or certified divers or for students with their own instructor.
To participate in Y-40® First experiences, Y-40® Safety/Guide and Y-40® Supervisor, you are required to complete the Medical Questionnaire >
To participate in sessions with Y-40® Trainer, Y-40® Workshop and Y-40® Courses, a non-competitive sports medical certificate with ECG (electrocardiogram) or competitive medical certificate for any sport is required.
To participate in the Y-40® Workshop with Umberto Pelizzari, a competitive medical certificate for any sport.
During the dive the diver/freediver exposes himself to risks related to compression and decompression of the body. With the change in pressure there may be difficulty compensating the pressure in the ears, sinuses, teeth, lungs and mask. These problems usually resolve themselves within a few days. Permanent problems rarely occur. We encourage you to report any inconvenience immediately.
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Loss of movement control (samba/CML), black out, taravana, fainting when exiting a dive, decompression illness and any other type of event that causes temporary or permanent damage to health, for safety reasons, involves, at the unquestionable judgment of the lifeguards or Y-40® instructors, the immediate exit from the water and the end of the diving shift. Furthermore, the athlete and possibly the instructor will be sanctioned with exclusion from Y-40® activities. They will be able to return to diving following specific medical certification.
If symptoms appear during or after the dive, Y-40® Management and the 118 call center must be immediately notified.
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Always check the no-fly period at the end of the dive, in case you have to take a plane or go by car to mountain passes. If you have dived, please remember that it is strongly advised against traveling by plane or in any case going to high altitudes for the next 12 hours.
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Y-40® has platforms at different depths, which you can use freely while respecting teaching, the patent, the participants and the exclusively occupied areas.
The 3 cables in the deep cylinder provide a regular rotation without exceeding the occupation before and after the dive. The use of the lanyard is mandatory.
You can watch the dives for free from the windows of the bar-bistro and from the underwater tunnel at -5 meters depth.
There are no entrance fees for swimming.
Daily entrances to the SPA DAY spa are available at our hotel.
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Y-40 The Deep Joy & Hotel Terme Millepini
Via Cataio, 42, 35036 Montegrotto Terme, Padova
Y-40 The Deep Joy
T. +39 0498910416 – E. info@y-40.com
Hotel Terme Millepini
T. +39 0498911766 – E. info@millepini.it
“Y-40 Società Sportiva dilettantistica a R.L. “ is a company affiliated with sports promotion bodies/federations recognized by CONI as:
ASI – Italian Social Sports Association – affiliation n. VEN-PD0896
FIPSAS – Italian Federation of Sport Fishing and Underwater Activities n. PD-0280197
The propaganda activity serves institutional purposes and is necessary for the development and dissemination of national amateur sport.
For those who apply to practice institutional activity, the company will arrange for them to be registered with one of the sports federations or bodies to which it is affiliated.
The person responsible for fighting abuse, violence and discrimination at Y-40 SSDaRL is Luca Mattonai. For reports of abuse or dangerous conditions you can contact him at the following email: safeguarding.